Android Application Development Training
What you learn in Andriod App development?
Mobile phones have surpassed computers in terms of internet usage and interaction. More smart phones are pushing into the industries to share a pie of the growing demand. Therefore new applications are created every day to attract users. And Android apps are the fastest growing among these apps. Android is an operating system for mobile devices developed by Google inc. It is mostly used for cell phones and related devices, Android – a fastest growing operating system of smart phone devices has been popular with its each update. It is the fastest growing mobile platform due to which the demand for Android app development is steadily increasing. Android app development is very crucial to any business in this era. Level of Customization of Android is what attracts developers into the field of Android app development. Also since android covers almost all part of the globe, developers can be sure that their app is going to reach a larger pool of customers and users. This helps them to receive feedback and know the pulse of the users. So that they can tailor out apps such a way that they are customer-required and unique. IPCS offering professional android app development services. Our Professional team of android app Developers performs deep research and analysis to meet your requirements and expectations. Accessing wide range of tools and technologies we create customized applications which are powerful and scalable for any android devices. All this knowledge and training will e provided to you in a world class environment. We create the best android app developers that can compete and succeed in the increasingly competitive world of android app development.
Job Titles
There are different jobs which require Android as background:
- Mobile Application Developer
- Android Application Developer
- iPhone/iOS Application Developer
- Windows Mobile App Developer
- Software Engineer
- Java Application Developer
- Objective-C Developer
Average Salaries of Android developers in India:
Junior Android Developer: ₹182,837 ($2,443) per year
Mid-Level Android Developer: ₹336,000 ($4,468) per year
Senior Android Developer: ₹810,471 ($10,830) per year
1. Android Architecture
- Overview of Android’s view structure
- Android Features
2. Layout resource
- AppcompatLinearlayout
- AppcompatRelativelayout
- AppcompatFramelayout
- AppcompatTablelayout
- Constraintlayout
3. Widgets
- Google material designs
4. Drawable
- Shape
- Selector
- layer-list
5. Menus
- Context menu
- Popup menu
- Options menu
6. Animations
- Screen navigation animation
- Popup animations
7. Activities
- Intents
- Communicating data among Activities
8. Notifications
- Toast, Custom Toast
- Dialogs
- Popup
- Push notification
9. Selection components
- List view
- Recyclerview- adapter
- Recyclerview with view type – Eg.Whatsapp
10. Camera
- Taking pictures
- Storing picture
- Editing picture
- Audio
- Video
11. Toolbar
- Toolbar
12. UI components
- Drawer layout
- Fragment
13. Database
- Green Dao
- Room Database
- Cloud database (firebase console)
14. Web service
- JSON parsing
- Retrofit
1. Android Architecture
- Overview of Android’s view structure
- Android Features
2. Layout resource
- AppcompatLinearlayout
- AppcompatRelativelayout
- AppcompatFramelayout
- AppcompatTablelayout
- Constraintlayout
3. Widgets
- Google material designs
4. Drawable
- Shape
- Selector
- layer-list
5. Menus
- Context menu
- Popup menu
- Options menu
6. Animations
- Screen navigation animation
- Popup animations
7. Activities
- Intents
- Communicating data among Activities
8. Notifications
- Toast, Custom Toast
- Dialogs
- Popup
- Push notification
9. Selection components
- List view
- Recyclerview- adapter
- Recyclerview with view type – Eg.Whatsapp
10. Camera
- Taking pictures
- Storing picture
- Editing picture
- Audio
- Video
11. Toolbar
- Toolbar
12. UI components
- Drawer layout
- Fragment
13. Database
- Green Dao
- Room Database
- Cloud database (firebase console)
14. Web service
- JSON parsing
- Retrofit
1.What will you learn in this Android training course?
In this course you will learn Android basics, mobile apps market.Various components of Android and application life cycles. Creating Menus and Layouts in Android.Working with Android Studio And SQLite database for creating Android applications.Designing interactive apps with multimedia. And publishing the apps on the Google Play store.
2.Who can do this Android Development training course?
- Software Developers
- System Developers
- Web Developers
- Graduates and
- Android app enthusiasts
3.What are the requirements for taking up this Android online training course?
Anybody who are beginners without any programming knowledge but interested in Android Application Development can take up this training. Although, a basic knowledge of Java or any other object-oriented programming can help you to learn Android.
4.Is coding an app hard?
If you learn Android it will be easy for you to code your mobile app.
5. Why should you do this Android training course?
As today Android has become the biggest operating system for smartphones. Mastering Android App Development will help you to earn very good salaries and further help you to grow in your career.
Course Details
Phone For Consultation : +91-98467 70771
Batches and timing.
Regular Batches: Monday to Friday
Afternoon : 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Evening : 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Holiday Batches: Saturday and Sunday
Full day : 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Phone Enquiry
Who Should Enroll For This Course?
Most suited for those who want to sharpen SMM skills
This course is specially designed for the every one who looking to get advanced training in Software Development.
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