JAVA Training | IPCS Global | Software Development Training Institute in India

Course Highlights & How to Pursue a Career in Java

Programmers have been present since the dawn of modern computing. It was these programmers that revolutionized the computing the way we know. Among the programs. The most famous among the numerous programming languages is Java. It was developed by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems and later acquired by Oracle and released into the computing World. Since Java is completely an object-oriented language, it is very easy to learn, especially for programmers already aware of C, C++ etc. JAVA is having a variety of functions and so that it requires least time. JAVA is used for developing web based and non-web based application and even for programming for mobiles. This makes it a very powerful and sought after technology. It is essential to take up an advanced project-oriented Java training program rather than choosing a class-room crash JAVA course. That is where IPCS Technologies step in. We do not intend to train you in the traditional way that is followed by majority of other training centers. Instead we have encapsulated a unique structure of curriculum that includes rigorous hands-on training on field applications along with theoretical classes. This is possible for us due to excellent faculty we provide for our students.
We also provide academic projects in java for B Tech, MCA, BCA, IT, and other Computer Science students. We provide java training for B-Tech students. MCA students, BCA students and other professional graduates.

Java Career Opportunities

After completing your course in Java, you will now need to browse through different job postings to start your career in Java.
The current market has job titles like:

1. Junior Developer

A junior developer is the position where everyone will start their career. This is the starting / lowest position for a software engineer. A person in junior position will be responsible to write, analyze, test, and debug code. In general, they are the part of large teams that have mentors and leaders whom they have to report to.

2. Senior Developer

A senior developer is the person generally responsible for taking charge of a complete project for the successful completion of the project. They are responsible for writing code and have to report to the executive officers and managers of the company. Along with this, they are also responsible for mentoring the developers that are new to the company or to the project they are working on. It is seen as the standard job position for a developer in his career.

3. Architect

A java architect is the one who is responsible for designing and developing the layout of the application. The architect should come up with the best technologies that are well-suited for the software to be built.

4. Java Web Developer

This is usually a backend position, and the person is responsible for deploying and maintaining server-side code.With the growing culture of cloud-based systems, it is helpful if you know the basics of cloud computing and have experience in using code to the cloud.

5. Java Android Developer

Java Android developers are responsible for building android apps and also adding features to existing android applications. This is one of the most common job postings, and also the most wanted position in several startups.Nowadays every company and service has a mobile app, so the market for these jobs will not dry up soon.

6. Java EE developer

Java EE developers are those who build and maintain enterprise software. Java EE developers are posted by big companies with some industry experience.

Salary of a Java programmer

The average salary for an entry-level Java Developer is around ₹277,518 per annum.
The average salary for a Mid-level Java Developer is ₹410,306 to ₹839,714 per annum.
The average salary for a Senior level Java Developer is around ₹1,373,565 per annum.


1. Introduction
  • Programming language Types and Paradigms.
  • Computer Programming Hierarchy.
  • How Computer Architecture Affects a Language?
  • Why Java?
  • Flavors of Java.
  • Java Designing Goal.
  • Role of Java Programmer in Industry.
  • Features of Java Language.
  • JVM –The heart of Java
  • Java’s Magic Byte code
2. Language Fundamentals


  • Installing Java.
  • Java Program Development
  • Java Source File Structure
  • Compilation
  • Executions


  • Lexical Tokens
  • Identifiers
  • Keywords
  • Literals
  • Comments
  • Primitive Data types
  • Operators
  • Assignments
3. Object Oriented Programming
  • Class Fundamentals
  • Object & Object reference
  • Object Life time & Garbage Collection
  • Creating and Operating Objects
  • Constructor & initialization code block
  • Access Control, Modifiers, and methods
  • Nested, Inner Class &Anonymous Classes
  • Abstract Class & Interfaces
  • Defining Methods, Argument Passing Mechanism
  • Method Overloading, Recursion.
  • Dealing with Static Members. Finalize () Method.
  • Native Method. Use of “this “reference.
  • Use of Modifiers with Classes & Methods.
  • Design of Assessors and Mutator Methods
  • Cloning Objects, shallow and deep cloning
  • Generic Class Types
4. Extending Classes and Inheritance
  • Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP
  • Types of Inheritance in Java
  • Inheriting Data Members and Methods
  • Role of Constructors in inheritance
  • Overriding Super Class Methods.
  • Use of “super”.
  • Polymorphism in inheritance.
  • Type Compatibility and Conversion
  • Implementing interfaces
5. Package
  • Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages.
  • Package as Access Protection
  • Defining Package.
  • CLASSPATH Setting for Packages.
  • Making JAR Files for Library Packages
  • Import and Static Import
  • Naming Convention for Packages
6. Exception Handling
  • The Idea behind Exception
  • Exceptions & Errors
  • Types of Exception
  • Control Flow in Exceptions
  • JVM reaction to Exceptions
  • Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling.
  • In-built and User-Defined Exceptions
  • Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions
7. Array & String
  • Defining an Array
  • Initializing & Accessing Array
  • Multi-Dimensional Array
  • Operation on String
  • Mutable & Immutable String
  • Using Collection Bases Loop for String
  • Tokenizing a String
  • Creating Strings using String Buffer
8. Thread
  • Understanding Threads
  • Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming.
  • Thread Life-Cycle
  • Thread Priorities
  • Synchronizing Threads
  • Inter Communication of Threads
  • Critical Factor in Thread –DeadLock
9. Applet
  • Applet & Application
  • Applet Architecture.
  • Parameters to Applet
  • Embedding Applets in Web page.
  • Applet Security Policies
10. A collection of useful classes
  • Utility Methods for Arrays
  • Observable and Observer Objects
  • Date & Times
  • Using Scanner
  • Regular Expression
  • Input/output Operation in Java( Package)
  • Streams and the new I/O Capabilities
  • Understanding Streams
  • The Classes for Input and Output
  • The Standard Streams
  • Working with File Object
  • File I/O Basics
  • Reading and Writing to Files
  • Buffer and Buffer Management
  • Read/Write Operations with File Channel
  • Serializing Objects
11. GUI Programming
  • Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java
  • Components and Containers
  • Basics of Components
  • Using Containers
  • Layout Managers
  • AWT Components
  • Adding a Menu to Window
  • Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components
  • Java Utilities (java.util Package)
  • The Collection Framework:
  • Collections of Objects
  • Collection Types
  • Sets
  • Sequence
  • Map
  • Understanding Hashing
  • Use of Array List & Vector
12. Event Handling
  • Event-Driven Programming in Java
  • Event- Handling Process
  • Event-Handling Mechanism
  • The Delegation Model of Event Handling
  • Event Classes
  • Event Sources
  • Event Listeners
  • Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling
  • Anonymous Inner classes a Short –cut to Event Handling
  • Avoiding Deadlocks in GUI Code
  • Event Types & Classes
  • Networking Programming
  • Networking Basics
  • Client-Server Architecture
  • Socket Overview
  • Networking Classes and Interfaces
  • Network Protocols
  • Developing Networking Applications in Java
13. Database programming using jdbc
  • Introduction to JDBC
  • JDBC Drivers & Architecture
  • CURD operation Using JDBC
  • Connecting to non-conventional Databases.
14. Mail API
  • Introduction to Email Technical Internals
  • Understanding of POP and SMTP framework
  • Complete understanding the email API
  • Mass mailer Application development
  • Introduction to J2EE
  • J2EE Overview
  • Why J2EE?
  • J2EE Architecture
  • J2EE APIs
  • J2EE Containers
14. JAVA Server Technologies
  • Web Application Basics.
  • Architecture and challenges of Web Application.
  • Introduction to servlet
  • Servlet life cycle
  • Developing and Deploying Servlets
  • Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml).
  • Handling Request and Response
  • Initializing a Servlet
  • Accessing Database
  • Servlet Chaining
  • Session Tracking & Management
  • Dealing with cookies
  • Transferring Request
  • Accessing Web Context
  • Passing INIT and CONTEXT Parameter
  • Sharing information using scope object
  • Controlling concurrent access
  • User Authentication
  • Filtering Request and Response
  • Programming Filter
  • Filter Mapping
  • Servlet Listeners 


1.What is Java?

Java is a platform-independent high-level programming language. It was developed by Sun Microsystems. A lot of applications, websites, and games are developed using Java.

2.Is Java enough to get a job?

According to the Stackoverflow survey, Java is in the top five most used languages. That means companies are actively using Java for their projects and therefore there are enough job opportunities in this field.

3.Can I learn Java in a month?

Yes You CAN learn the Java programming language in a month, If you already know OOPs concepts.

4.Is Java hard to learn?

The simple answer is that yes. But if you know the basic concepts of programming language then you can also master Java programming.

5.Who uses Java?

These are the top companies using Java

  • Uber.
  • Airbnb.
  • Google.
  • Netflix.
  • Pinterest.
  • Instagram.
  • Spotify.
  • Amazon.

d Course Details

I Duration : 150 Hours
Phone For Consultation : +91-98467 70771

Batches and timing.

Regular Batches: Monday to Friday

} Morning : 9 AM to 1 PM
} Afternoon : 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
} Evening : 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Holiday Batches: Saturday and Sunday

} Full day : 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

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Who Should Enroll For This Course?

Most suited for freshers and job seekers.This course is specially designed for the fresh individuals that are looking to harness the power of internet to get their first job in Software Development.

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