PHP and MYSQL Training Overview
PHP and MySQL training institute with Live International Projects
PHP is a very popular programming language used to create dynamic applications that work with databases. It’s mostly used on the server side. PHP, along with MYSQL, helps make dynamic websites quickly. In our PHP training, you’ll start with the basics and go all the way to advanced, learning in an easy way.
The course covers everything from basic PHP to more advanced topics, and we make sure our syllabus is up-to-date with the latest technologies. In our training, you’ll learn PHP coding, CSS, and MySQL. MySQL is a reliable database that works with PHP to create web applications.
We also cover PHP frameworks and teach you programming concepts and techniques. We provide certification training and make sure to give you practical experience alongside theoretical knowledge. There’s plenty of reading material for self-study too.
We’re proud to offer 100% placement assistance. Everyone who completes our web development course has found a job – none are left without work. They’re all working as PHP developers in the job market. Join us to learn PHP and kickstart your career!
Job Opportunities:
There are a lot of career opportunities for a PHP developer. If you have mastered a PHP course then you are awaited with a wide range of job opportunities like:
- WordPress developer
- Magento developer
- PHP Developer
- Senior PHP Developer
- PHP Programmer
- PHP Developer Full-stack
- Sr PHP Developer
PHP Developer Salary in India
Based on experience the PHP developer salary in India varies.
- Entry-Level PHP Developer Salary
The average salary for an entry-level PHP Developer is Rs.172,040 per annum - Mid-Level PHP Developer Salary
The average salary for a mid-level PHP developer in India is Rs. 264,000 per annum. - Experienced PHP Developer Salary
The average salary of a (5- 9 years) experienced PHP developer in India is Rs. 546,000 per annum.
The average salary of a (10-19) years experienced PHP developer in India is Rs. 850,000 per annum.
1. Introduction To PHP
- Evaluation of PHP
- Evaluation of PHP
- Basic Syntax
- Defining variable and constant
- PHP Data Type
- Operator and Expression
2. Handling HTML form with PHP
- Capturing Form Data
- Dealing with Multi-value filed
- Generating File uploaded form
- Redirecting a form after submission
3. Decisions And Loop
- Making Decisions
- Doing Repetitive task with looping
- Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
4. Function
- What is a function?
- Define a function
- Call by value and Call by reference
- Recursive function
5. String
- Creating and accessing String
- Searching & Replacing String
- Formatting String
- String Related Library function
6. Array
- Anatomy of an Array
- Creating index based and Associative array
- Accessing array Element
- Looping with Index based array
- Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
- Some useful Library function
7. Working with File And Directories
- Understanding file& directory
- Opening and closing a file
- Copying, renaming, and deleting a file
- Working with directories
- Building a text editor
- File Uploading & Downloading
8. Mini Project ( With File Handling )
- State management
- Using query string(URL rewriting)
- Using Hidden field
- Using cookies
- Using session
9. String matching with regular expression
- What is regular expression
- Pattern matching in PHP
- Replacing text
- Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
10. Generating images with PHP
- Basics of computer Graphics
- Creating Image
- Manipulating Image
- Using text in Image
11. Database Connectivity With MySql
- Introduction to RDBMS
- Connection with MySQL Database
- Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
- Setting query parameter
- Executing query Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.
12. Advanced PHP
Introduction to OOPS
- Introduction
- Objects
- Declaring a class
- The new keyword and constructor
- Destructor
- Access method and properties using $this variable
- Public, private, protected properties and methods
- Static properties and method
- Class constant
- Inheritance & code reusability
- Polymorphism
- Parent:: & self:: keyword
- Instance of operator
- Abstract method and class
- Interface
- Final
- Exception Handling
- Understanding Exception and error
- Try, catch, and throw
MYSQL Database
- Database concepts & RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems)
- Introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language)
- Creating ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)
- Understanding phpMyAdmin
- What are MySQL data types?
- Creating and Editing Database and Tables
- Primary key
- Foreign key
- Inserting Data in tables
- Updating data
- Deleting data
- Selecting data
Create dynamic web pages using php and MySql
- Connect PHP with MySQL
- Insert web page data into database
- Update data from web pages
- View dynamic data on web pages
- How to delete data from web pages
- Introduction
- PHP AJAX example
- AJAX Database programming
- jQuery Install
- jQuery Syntax
- jQuery Selectors
- jQuery Events
- jQuery Hide/Show
- jQuery Fade
- jQuery Slide
- jQuery Animate
- jQuery stop()
- jQuery Callback
- jQuery Chaining
- noConflict
- WordPress
- Admin panal.
- Theme Customization.
- Plugins
- Create a blog using WordPress
- Basics
- Introduction of different Web Technology
- Introduction
- HTML Elements
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Headings
- HTML Paragraphs
- HTML Formatting
- HTML Fonts
- HTML Styles
- HTML Links
- HTML Images
- HTML Tables
- HTML Lists
- HTML Forms
- HTML Frames
- HTML Iframes
- HTML Colors
- HTML Colornames
- HTML Colorvalues
- HTML Quick List
- HTML Layout
- HTML Doctypes
- HTML Head
- HTML MetaHTML Scripts
- HTML Entities
- HTML URL Encode
- HTML Media
- HTML Audio
- HTML Object
- HTML Video
- HTML YouTube
- HTML Media Tags
- HTML Summary
- CSS Introduction
- CSS Syntax
- CSS How To
- CSS Colors
- CSS Backgrounds
- CSS Borders
- CSS Margins
- CSS Padding
- CSS Height/Width
- CSS Text
- CSS Fonts
- CSS Links
- CSS Lists
- CSS Tables
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Outline
- CSS Display
- CSS Max-width
- CSS Position
- CSS Float
- JS Introduction
- JS Where To
- JS Output
- JS Syntax
- JS Statements
- JS Comments
- JS Variables
- JS Operators
- JS Arithmetic
- JS Assignment
- JS Data Types
- JS Functions
- JS Objects
13. Database programming using jdbc
- Introduction to JDBC
- JDBC Drivers & Architecture
- CURD operation Using JDBC
- Connecting to non-conventional Databases.
14. Mail API
- Introduction to Email Technical Internals
- Understanding of POP and SMTP framework
- Complete understanding the email API
- Mass mailer Application development
- Introduction to J2EE
- J2EE Overview
- Why J2EE?
- J2EE Architecture
- J2EE Containers
14. JAVA Server Technologies
- Web Application Basics.
- Architecture and challenges of Web Application.
- Introduction to servlet
- Servlet life cycle
- Developing and Deploying Servlets
- Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml).
- Handling Request and Response
- Initializing a Servlet
- Accessing Database
- Servlet Chaining
- Session Tracking & Management
- Dealing with cookies
- Transferring Request
- Accessing Web Context
- Passing INIT and CONTEXT Parameter
- Sharing information using scope object
- Controlling concurrent access
- User Authentication
- Filtering Request and Response
- Programming Filter
- Filter Mapping
- Servlet Listeners
1.What is PHP used for?
PHP stands for : Hypertext Preprocessor”. In a simple way PHP is a server side scripting language that is embedded in HTML.
2. Is PHP developer a good job?
Yes, PHP is still a popular server side scripting language that is used by many programmers around the world. If you are a skilled PHP developer then there is lots of chances as a PHP developer.
3.How do I get a job as a PHP developer?
Inorder to get a good job as PHP web developer you can master the PHP course, MYSQL, JQuery, and one framework + one open-source software
4.Does PHP have a future?
Yes Of Course, it is clear that PHP does have a future. It is a widely used programming language for websites. If you want to start a career as a php developer you won’t run out of options while finding a job.
5.How much does a PHP developer earn?
If you are working as a PHP developer you will be earning something in the range of Rs. 353,000 per annum.The average salary for a PHP developer in India depends upon their experience.
6.Are PHP developers in demand?
Highly proficient PHP developers are having high demand, so if you can master it, you have the potential to earn lots of money. Popularity means that there are plenty of career opportunities.
Course Details
Phone For Consultation : +91-98467 70771
Batches and timing.
Regular Batches: Monday to Friday
Afternoon : 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Evening : 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Holiday Batches: Saturday and Sunday
Full day : 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Phone Enquiry
Who Should Enroll For This Course?
Most suited for freshers and job seekers. This course is specially designed for the fresh individuals that are looking to harness the power of internet to get their first job in Software Development.
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