No. 1 Python & Data Science Training Courses
Want to become an expert in Python Development?
Python is an interpreted, high level, general-purpose language. Its object-oriented approach helps programmers to write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects. This means that Python can be used to build almost anything. Whether you are an experienced programmer or a fresher after completing your Python Training Course from IPCS, you can start your career as PYTHON DEVELOPER in any leading industry. Python programming languages can be used for so many applications such as web development, machine learning, data analysis, scripting, game development, for embedded applications and for desktop applications.
Python is very easy to learn, and can perform high end tasks. It is a dynamically typed language offering dynamic typing and dynamic binding, which makes it propound in the field of Rapid Application Development. Python supports packages and modules, by encouraging code reuse and program modularity.
Skills you will learn with this Python Training Course
Our Python Training Course covers all the major topics to meet the demands of both a beginner and a professional. Modules cover an introduction to Python, program flow, functions and modules, exception handling, writing GUIs, SQL database access and more.
- Master about interpreters and Python Script
- How to install Python and its framework.
- Master Python code to implement string operations
- Master Python code to understand and implement Python Data Structures
- Master Python code to implement loop and control structures
- Master Python code to create your own custom functions without or with arguments. And also, learn how to call them by passing arguments as per requirements
- Master code to create modules as well as execute them
- Master Python code to use Regular Expression and match pattern, parse data and so on
- Master Python code to construct a class and define objects
Scope of Python career and jobs
If you are in search of a job, you will find numerous opportunities on job sites, with over 40,000 listings for Python programmers, catering to both freshers and experienced professionals. Job titles include Python full stack developer,python database programmer,python software engineer. Companies are offering salaries above $100k per year and for senior level programmers are offered over $200k per year.So it is fair to take a python training course which will improve python skills and lead to a secure career.
Today, Big Data is rising and the need for smart python programmers, data scientists, and business analysts are increasing. Join the Python training course and become an expert in Python programming language. Dive into our class and learn from the basic Python for beginners to the advanced.
Syllabus | FAQ
- HTML Introduction
- Foundation & Structure
- Body Attributes & Break Tags
- Heading Paragraph and Horizontal Rules
- Fonts:Bold & Italics
- Adding Images
- Links Emails & Book Marks
- Creating Lists
- Creating Iframes
- Creating Tables
- Frames & Frameset.
- Forms:Text/Password/Textarea
- Forms:Checkbox/Radio
- Forms:File Upload/Selection List
- Forms:Reset/Submit
2. CSS
- Introduction to CSS
- External style sheet
- Font Properties
- CSS Comments
- Box Model,Padding.
- Box Model,Border
- Box Model,Margin
- Div & Span
- Working with Colors
- Background Images
- Classes
- ID’s
- Child selectors
- Pseudo Classes
- Nth Child Pseudo Classes
- Styling Links
- Styling Lists
- Rounded Corners
- Linear Gradient
- Float & Clear
- New tags for the Layout
- Creating a Website Layout
- Styling Tables
- Styling Form Elements
3. Bootstrap
- Introduction
- Commenting to GitHub
- Basis of Git & Github
- Hosting Using FileZilla
- What is Bootstrap
- SetUp Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Grid System
- Bootstrap 3 Grid Classes
- Bootstrap Grid Column Offset
- Nested Rows and Columns
- Image Gallery
- Responsive Utility Classes
- Typography
- Paragraph
- Blockqouts & Lists
- List Groups
- Code Blocks
- Table Classes
- Button Classes
- Icons
- Drop Box
- Button Groups
- Split Button Drop Box
- Button Classes
- Forms
- Form Controls
- Disable and read-only form controls
- Form Validation states
- Form Control height and width
- Input Groups
- Button in Input Groups
- Nav components
- Navbar Components
- Breadcrumbs
- Pager and Pagination
- Panel
- Well
- Labels and Badges
- Progress bars
- Jumbotro
- Media Object
- Collapse Plugin
- Accordion
- Action with rows
- Modal popup
- Model Method and Events
- Tabs Plugin
- Tooltip
- Tooltip manual trigger
- Popover
- Alert
- Scroll spy
- Scroll spy not working
- Scroll spy vertical menu
- Affix plugin
- Image carousel
- Multi column carousel
- Introduction
- Statements and Comments
- Finding Errors
- Variables
- Data Types
- Operators
- Strings
- Events in JS
- Functions in JS
- Functions with parameters
- Functions with multiple parameters
- Variable scope
- Arrays in JS
- IF Statement
- IF ELSE Statement
- Nested IF Statement
- Complex Condition
- Switch Statements
- While loops
- Do While loops
- For loops
- Objects,Methods and Properties
- Referencing elements in JS
- Changing an image sources
- Using a timer
- Forms
- Form Values
- Form Submission
- Form Validation TextBoxes and passwords
- Radio button
- Check boxes
- Changing CSS
5. JQuery
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Selectors
- Event Method
- Chaining
- Show/Hide
- Animate
- Jquery CSS
6. MySql
- MYSQL Basics
- Django DB Connectivity
- MYSQL-UDF,Views,Indexes
- Stored Procedure
- MYSQL – Advanced
7. Python
- Python & Django Installation
- Python Basics
- OOPS in Python
- Python Django Frame Work
1. What is Python ?
Python is an interpreted, high level, object-oriented programming language.Python incorporates dynamic data types, exceptions, dynamic typing, and classes. It supports procedural and functional programming. Python’s simple and easy to learn syntax value for its readability and reduces program maintenance cost. Python supports modules and packages. For applications that need a programmable interface Python is used as an extension language.
2. What is Python good for ?
Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language that can be applied to many different classes of problems.Python is good for backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. It has a large standard library that covers areas such as string processing, Internet Protocol, Software engineering and Operating System Interfaces.
3. How stable is Python ?
Very stable. New, stable releases have been coming out roughly every 6 to 18 months since 1991, and this seems likely to continue. The developers issue “bugfix” releases of older versions, so the stability of existing releases gradually improves. Bugfix releases, indicated by a third component of the version number (e.g. 3.5.3, 3.6.2), are managed for stability; only fixes for known problems are included in a bugfix release.
4. How many people are using Python ?
Python is available for free download, probably hundreds of thousands of developers use Python in one way or another, as there is no sales figure it’s difficult to obtain an exact count. The comp.lang.python is an active python newsgroup, but not all Python users post to the group. As a result there is no accurate estimate of the number of python users.
5. Is Python a good programming language for beginners ?
Python is a backend programming language that’s good for beginners. Python is similar to Ruby in many ways, but is less wordy than other programming languages. Python is user friendly.
6. Why is Python so popular ?
Python is one of the most widely used programming languages despite being slow. The speed and performance limitations in Python are not cared for by Programmers or developers. The first and foremost reason for the popularity of Python is because of it’s highly productivity compared to other programming languages like C++ and Java. Dynamic type systems of Python allow developers to write very fewer lines of code for tasks that require more lines of code in other languages.Python is one of the most widely used programming languages despite being slow. The speed and performance limitations in Python are not cared for by Programmers or developers. The first and foremost reason for the popularity of Python is because of it’s highly productivity compared to other programming languages like C++ and Java. Dynamic type systems of Python allow developers to write very fewer lines of code for tasks that require more lines of code in other languages.In short, Python is widely used programming language even it is slower than other languages because:
- Python is more productive
- Companies can optimize their most expensive resource: employees
- Enable competitiveness improvement by fast innovation
- Rich set of libraries and frameworks
- Large community
7. Is Python a free software ?
Yes. Python is a free, open-source programming language. If you would like to download and install Python you can do for free at also has a huge variety of open-source packages and libraries
8. Will learning Python get me a job ?
If you want to get a job in python, then you learn python basics and advance. Learn some important libraries like numpy, panda’s etc very deeply. Once you learn python then do some projects on python using libraries. You can also learn ML using python .If you do this definitely you will get a job.
9. Can I learn Python in a month ?
If you have the workable knowledge of C, C++, or Java, you can learn Python in a month. Even if you don’t have any prior Programming knowledge also you can learn Python in a month. The Python training Course by IPCS will help to learn a lot about Python from beginner to Expert Level.
10. In which field Python is Used ?
Python has a variety of applications, it is widely used in scientific and numeric computing: SciPy is a collection of packages used for mathematics, science, and engineering. Whereas the Panda library is used for data analysis and modeling. So Python can be used no matter what field you take.
For teaching programming, both at the introductory level and for advanced courses, Python is an excellent language. In some cases, software developers often use Python as a supporting language, to build control and management, testing, and in many other ways. Python is used to build e-commerce sites and ERP
11. What programs can Python make?
Instead of describing what Python can do, it’s easier to say what Python can’t do. According to Stack Overflow, Python is the fastest-growing programming language, and it will continue to grow even faster.
Applications that can be Build in Python
- Web development/software development.
- Audio/Video applications.
- Console applications.
- Game development.
- System administration applications.
- Machine learning.
12.Which Companies are using Python ?
8 World-Class Software Companies That Use Python
- Industrial Light and Magic.
- Google.
- Facebook.
- Instagram.
- Spotify.
- Quora.
- Netflix.
- Dropbox.
13. Is YouTube written in Python ?
Youtube programming consists of a mixture of Python, C, C++, Java, Go, JavaScript and MariaDB. Youtube uses Python as new ideas can be implemented very easily and respond quickly.
14. In which language Python is written ?
We can’t say that Python is written in some programming languages. Since Python is a language there will be some set of rules (like syntax rules, or descriptions of standard functionality), hence these mentioned rules can be implemented only by some programming language.Since most modern OS, Compilers/ Interpreters for high level languages are all written in C, Python is also written in C.
15. What is Python good at ?
- Code less, do more – In Python inorder to write a hello world program, we can achieve it by 1 line rather than 4 lines in C.
- Efficiency and Automatic handling of small problems – Python is an efficient object oriented programming language. And by its automatic problem handling the programmer does not need to keep track of small problems like – data type casting, etc.
Wide application in development- Python is widely used as a back-end web development language. Google uses Python as their main programming language.
Course Details
Phone For Consultation : +91-98467 70771
Batches and timing.
Regular Batches: Monday to Friday
Afternoon : 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Evening : 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Holiday Batches: Saturday and Sunday
Full day : 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Phone Enquiry
Who Should Enroll For This Course?
Most suited for freshers and job seekers.This course is specially designed for the fresh individuals that are looking to harness the power of internet to get their first job in Software Development.
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