VFD Installation Professional
Capitalizing on its long-term industrial experience in Automation sector, IPCS conducts various training programs specially tailored for Professionals, Corporate Companies and Colleges. IPCS provides a well-disposed and stimulating study environment addressing the intellectual, professional and leadership development of students. Our training programs provide the best practice in the latest technologies, trends, and challenges in the immensely competitive areas of automation and embedded technologies, VFD Training, VFD Institute, VFD Courses
VFD (VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE) is a type of motor controller that drives an electric motor by varying the frequency and voltage supplied to the electric motor. VFDs are used in applications ranging from small appliances to the largest of mine mill drives and compressors. VFD is one of the most successful energy management tools ever applied for flexible speed and torque control of 3 phase motors. IPCS Automation offers VFD training program for long years. IPCS VFD training program is specially tailored for Professionals, Corporate Companies and Colleges. Lakhs of trainees from various countries successfully completed VFD training and placed on reputed companies all over the world. IPCS is an ISO certified company and IPCS VFD training program is Affiliated by SIDCO (India), Training Accredited by IAO (USA), Training Approved by Supreme Education Council (Qatar), Training Certified By Delta Taiwan
VFD Installation Professional | Duration – 30 hrs
Today Conventional motor starters are replaced by energy efficient Variable Frequency Drives. Variable Frequency Drives can provide maximum starting torque without causing complaint to motor windings. The course contents are
- Basic Terminology Associated With Motors And Variable Speed Drives
- Type Of Motors , Construction And Their Operating Principle
- Basic Principle Of Starters And Variable Speed Drives
- Methods Of Starting Of Motors
- Main Functions Of Starters And Variable Speed Drives
- Different Types Of Drives- Variable Frequency And Variable Voltage Drives.
- Different Control Modes Of VFDs
- Discrete And Continuous Control Schemes.
- Effect Of Long Distance Cables On VFDs
- Different Types Of Braking
- Selection Of VFDs Based On Application
- Hands On Experience On Integrated System
- Different Type Of Sensors Interfacing
- VFD selection
- VFD Troubleshooting
- Standalone & Integrated Application of VFD
Course Details
Phone For Consultation : +91 98467 70771
Batches and timing.
Regular Batches: Monday to Friday
Afternoon : 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Evening : 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Holiday Batches: Saturday and Sunday
Full day : 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
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Who Should Enroll For This Course?
Most suited for freshers and job seekers
This course is specially designed for the fresh individuals that are looking to harness the power of technology to get their first job in Automation.
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