Learn Web Designing & Development Training Program
Websites are the new bustling markets where all the commerce is happening in the modern world. Every business domain organization has its own website that helps them to run their business through various processes like data collection to business promotion. The success of the site depends on the way how it is developed and presented to the public. There for Web Designing is an interesting and creative field that always requires budding talents. The process of web development process involves the designing, coding and developing websites. The term web design is normally used to describe the design process relating to the front-end design of a website including writing markup. Web Designing is one of the best career options for anyone who would like to invest their creativity in a useful way. This course provides all the business promotional solutions including website designing and development Ecommerce web site. Industry always expects better, and also respects to all those who are providing master solutions.
The web development courses that we offer at IPCS will provide technologies that meet the needs and demands of the growing IT strategies. You’ll learn how to design and build beautiful websites by learning the basic principles of design here. Also you will be provided training by the best faculties in the field who would be interacting with you about their experiences in the field of web designing. This training can provide you a real world perspective about web designing.
Web Designer: A Career with Many Paths
Web designers are required for various job roles. The following are some of the job roles that web designers can take up after attaining the expertise and qualification.
- Front-end Developer: Front-end web developers implement visual elements/effects that users see and interact within the web application.
- Back-end Developer: Backend web developers play an important role in the integration of the work front-end developers and they are also responsible for server-side web application logic.
- Web Application Developer: Web application developer is responsible for designing the website, modifying, updating, coding and layout, etc. according to the client’s needs.
- Design and Layout Analyst: Design and layout analyst is a person who is responsible for the layout editors design and format pages or other materials for print or online use.
- Senior Web Analyst: Senior web analyst is the one who creates and maintains solutions using progressive and advanced technologies.
- Web Marketing Analyst: The duties of web marketing analyst are various, including the collection, interpretation of data based on client requiremetnt, the implementation and development of website analysis, online advertising and search engine optimisation.
- Job Titles
- Applications developer.
- Game developer.
- Multimedia programmer.
- Multimedia specialist.
- SEO specialist.
- UX designer.
- UX researcher.
- Web content manager.
- Introduction of different Web Technology
- Introduction
- HTML Elements
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Headings
- HTML Paragraphs
- HTML Formatting
- HTML Fonts
- HTML Styles
- HTML Links
- HTML Images
- HTML Tables
- HTML Lists
- HTML Forms
- HTML Frames
- HTML Iframes
- HTML Colors
- HTML Colornames
- HTML Colorvalues
- HTML Quick List
- HTML Layout
- HTML Doctypes
- HTML Head
- HTML Meta
- HTML Scripts
- HTML Entities
- HTML URL Encode
- HTML Media
- HTML Audio
- HTML Object
- HTML Video
- HTML YouTube
- HTML Media Tags
- HTML Summary
2. HTML5
- HTML5 Introduction
- HTML5 New Elements
- HTML5 Video
- HTML5 Video/DOM
- HTML5 Audio
- HTML5 Drag and Drop
- HTML5 Canvas
- HTML5 Canvas vs. SVG
- HTML5 Geolocation
- HTML5 Web Storage
- HTML5 App Cache
- HTML5 Web Workers
- HTML5 Tags
3. CSS 3
- CSS Introduction
- CSS Syntax
- CSS How To
- CSS Colors
- CSS Backgrounds
- CSS Borders
- CSS Margins
- CSS Padding
- CSS Height/Width
- CSS Text
- CSS Fonts
- CSS Links
- CSS Lists
- CSS Tables
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Outline
- CSS Display
- CSS Max-width
- CSS Position
- CSS Float
- CSS Inline-block
- CSS Align
- CSS Combinators
- CSS Pseudo-class
- CSS Pseudo-element
- CSS Navigation Bar
- CSS Dropdowns
- CSS Tooltips
- CSS Image Gallery
- CSS Image Opacity
- CSS Image Sprites
- CSS Attr Selectors
- CSS Forms
- CSS Counters
- CSS3
- CSS3 Introduction
- CSS3 Rounded Corners
- CSS3 Border Images
- CSS3 Backgrounds
- CSS3 Colors
- CSS3 Gradients
- CSS3 Shadows
- CSS3 Text
- CSS3 Fonts
- CSS3 2D Transforms
- CSS3 3D Transforms
- CSS3 Transitions
- CSS3 Animations
- CSS3 Images
- CSS3 Buttons
- CSS3 Pagination
- CSS3 Multiple Columns
- CSS3 User Interface
- CSS3 Box Sizing
- CSS3 Flexbox
- CSS3 Media Queries
- CSS3 MQ Examples
- CSS Responsive
- RWD Intro
- RWD Viewport
- RWD Grid View
- RWD Media Queries
- RWD Images
- RWD Videos
- RWD Frameworks
- CSS Examples
- CSS Examples
- CSS Quiz
- CSS Certificate
- CSS References
- CSS Reference
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Functions
- CSS Reference Aural
- CSS Web Safe Fonts
- CSS Animatable
- CSS Units
- CSS PX-EM Converter
- CSS Colors
- CSS Color Values
- CSS Color Names
- CSS3 Browser Support
- BS Get Started
- BS Grid Basic
- BS Typography
- BS Tables
- BS Images
- BS Jumbotron
- BS Wells
- BS Alerts
- BS Buttons
- BS Button Groups
- BS Glyphicons
- BS Badges/Labels
- BS Progress Bars
- BS Pagination
- BS Pager
- BS List Groups
- BS Panels
- BS Dropdowns
- BS Collapse
- BS Tabs/Pills
- BS Navbar
- BS Forms
- BS Inputs
- BS Inputs 2
- BS Input Sizing
- BS Carousel
- BS Modal
- BS Tooltip
- BS Popover
- BS Scrollspy
- BS Affix
- Bootstrap Grids
- BS Grid System
- BS Stacked/Horizontal
- BS Grid Small
- BS Grid Medium
- BS Grid Large
- BS Grid Examples
- Bootstrap Themes
- BS Templates
- BS Theme “Simply Me”
- BS Theme “Company”
- BS Theme “Band”
- Bootstrap Exam
- BS Quiz
- BS Certificate
- Bootstrap CSS Ref
- CSS Typography
- CSS Buttons
- CSS Forms
- CSS Helpers
- CSS Images
- CSS Tables
- CSS Dropdowns
- CSS Navs
- Glyphicons
- Bootstrap JS Ref
- JS Affix
- JS Alert
- JS Button
- JS Carousel
- JS Collapse
- JS Dropdown
- JS Modal
- JS Popover
- JS Scrollspy
- JS Tab
- JS Tooltip
- JS Introduction
- JS Where To
- JS Output
- JS Syntax
- JS Statements
- JS Comments
- JS Variables
- JS Operators
- JS Arithmetic
- JS Assignment
- JS Data Types
- JS Functions
- JS Objects
- JS Scope
- JS Events
- JS Strings
- JS String Methods
- JS Numbers
- JS Number Methods
- JS Math
- JS Dates
- JS Date Formats
- JS Date Methods
- JS Arrays
- JS Array Methods
- JS Booleans
- JS Comparisons
- JS Conditions
- JS Switch
- JS Loop For
- JS Loop While
- JS Break
- JS Type Conversion
- JS RegExp
- JS Errors
- JS Debugging
- JS Hoisting
- JS Strict Mode
- JS Style Guide
- JS Best Practices
- JS Mistakes
- JS Performance
- JS Reserved Words
- JS Forms
- Forms Validation
- Forms API
- JS Objects
- Object Definitions
- Object Properties
- Object Methods
- Object Prototypes
- JS Functions
- Function Definitions
- Function Parameters
- Function Invocation
- Function Closures
- DOM Intro
- DOM Methods
- DOM Document
- DOM Elements
- DOM Animations
- DOM Events
- DOM EventListener
- DOM Navigation
- DOM Nodes
- DOM Nodelist
- JS Browser BOM
- JS Window
- JS Screen
- JS Location
- JS History
- JS Navigator
- JS Popup Alert
- JS Timing
- JS Cookies
- JS Examples
- JS Examples
- JS HTML Input
- JS HTML Objects
- JS HTML Events
- JS Browser
- JS Quiz
- JS Certificate
- JS Summary
- JS References
- JavaScript Objects
- HTML DOM Objects
- PHP Intro
- PHP Install
- PHP Syntax
- PHP Variables
- PHP Echo / Print
- PHP Data Types
- PHP Strings
- PHP Constants
- PHP Operators
- PHP If…Else…Elseif
- PHP Switch
- PHP While Loops
- PHP For Loops
- PHP Functions
- PHP Arrays
- PHP Sorting Arrays
- PHP Superglobals
- PHP Forms
- PHP Form Handling
- PHP Form Validation
- PHP Form Required
- PHP Form URL/E-mail
- PHP Form Complete
- PHP Advanced
- PHP Arrays Multi
- PHP Date and Time
- PHP Include
- PHP File Handling
- PHP File Open/Read
- PHP File Create/Write
- PHP File Upload
- PHP Cookies
- PHP Sessions
- PHP Filters
- PHP Filters Advanced
- PHP Error Handling
- PHP Exception
- MySQL Database
- MySQL Database
- MySQL Connect
- MySQL Create DB
- MySQL Create Table
- MySQL Insert Data
- MySQL Get Last ID
- MySQL Insert Multiple
- MySQL Prepared
- MySQL Select Data
- MySQL Delete Data
- MySQL Update Data
- MySQL Limit Data
- PHP XML Parsers
- PHP SimpleXML Parser
- PHP SimpleXML – Get
- PHP XML Expat
- AJAX Intro
- AJAX Database
- AJAX Live Search
- AJAX RSS Reader
- AJAX Poll
- PHP Examples
- PHP Examples
- PHP Quiz
- PHP Certificate
- PHP Reference
- PHP Array
- PHP Calendar
- PHP Date
- PHP Directory
- PHP Error
- PHP Filesystem
- PHP Filter
- PHP Libxml
- PHP Mail
- PHP Math
- PHP Misc
- PHP SimpleXML
- PHP String
- PHP Zip
- PHP Timezones
7. SQL
- SQL Intro
- SQL Syntax
- SQL Select
- SQL Distinct
- SQL Where
- SQL And & Or
- SQL Order By
- SQL Insert Into
- SQL Update
- SQL Delete
- SQL Injection
- SQL Select Top
- SQL Like
- SQL Wildcards
- SQL In
- SQL Between
- SQL Aliases
- SQL Joins
- SQL Inner Join
- SQL Left Join
- SQL Right Join
- SQL Full Join
- SQL Union
- SQL Select Into
- SQL Insert Into Select
- SQL Create DB
- SQL Create Table
- SQL Constraints
- SQL Not Null
- SQL Unique
- SQL Primary Key
- SQL Foreign Key
- SQL Check
- SQL Default
- SQL Create Index
- SQL Drop
- SQL Alter
- SQL Auto Increment
- SQL Views
- SQL Dates
- SQL Null Values
- SQL Null Functions
- SQL Data Types
- SQL DB Data Types
- SQL Functions
- SQL Functions
- SQL Avg()
- SQL Count()
- SQL First()
- SQL Last()
- SQL Max()
- SQL Min()
- SQL Sum()
- SQL Group By
- SQL Having
- SQL Ucase()
- SQL Lcase()
- SQL Mid()
- SQL Len()
- SQL Round()
- SQL Now()
- SQL Format()
- SQL Quick Ref
- SQL Hosting
- SQL Quiz
- SQL Quiz
9. Deployment
- Deploying application on Web Server
- Summary
- Preparing HTML from Design
- Hosting on Live Server
- Domain Registration
- Summary
- Photoshop
- Dreamviewer
Course Details
Phone For Consultation : +91-98467 70771
Batches and timing.
Regular Batches: Monday to Friday
Afternoon : 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Evening : 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Holiday Batches: Saturday and Sunday
Full day : 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Phone Enquiry
Who Should Enroll For This Course?
Most suited for freshers and job seekers.This course is specially designed for the fresh individuals that are looking to harness the power of internet to get their first job in Software Development.
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